We have curated some of our very favourite Halloween activities to help you create the perfect Halloween at home Ibiza style.
Have you ever tried carving a pumpkin before? It can be as simple or as elaborate as you dare. The secret is to fully hollow out the pumpkin and to use fine tools to get the very best results. Then bring your creation to life with a scented candle, to fill your home with gorgeous Halloween smells. We especially love Loewe for their gorgeous Liquorice candle that makes the house smell filled with sweets or for something a little more grown-up light their delicious ‘Marihuana’ scented candle to create a chilled Halloween ambiance.
If carving is not for you why not get the paints out and get inspired by this gorgeous look.

Step away from the plastic and embrace beautiful papercraft decorations. Think paper lanterns, garlands or biodegradable balloons. Why not make this time as an opportunity to create fun activities with your children like these simple cut out bats. Try making cardboard tombstones to add to your garden for a fun and highly impressive addition to any Halloween scene.
Each year Ibiza Halloween costumes rival those of the most incredible US ones, months of planning and the skills of professional makeup artists guarantee incredible photos for your Instagram.
Our clients enjoy top makeup artists direct to their villa to take their costumes to the next level. Looking for inspiration? We especially love this award winning look created by Artist: @sofiapastro

There are so many ways you can use the flesh from your carved pumpkin. We usually love pumpkin pie but this year we want to try this incredible pumpkin bread (free from gluten and dairy) from New York Times Best Seller the Medical Medium. Using just 8 healthy ingredients this Pumpkin Bread can be delicious served with dips or coated with local Ibiza honey.

Sweet Hunt
Why not switch up Trick or Treating this Halloween by starting a garden graveyard hunt. Put your homemade cardboard tombstones in the garden – light with tea lights in glass jars or with electric candles. Hide your children’s sweets around the garden for a fun alternative that still fills their basket of sweets.

If it all feels too much then why not enlist our decoration experts, private chefs, or makeup artists to make sure every detail is perfect.